Research findings

The HighFire Risk Project



Citation McRae, R. (2008). Fire risk in the high country. Fire Australia, Spring 2008, 36-38.

Fire risk in the high country.

Author(s) Rick McRae
Abstract I n September 2004, some 14 months after the establishment of Australia's Bushfire CRC, the then Prime Minister announced the allocation of an additional $3 million for fire-related research in the high country regions of south-eastern NSW and north -eastern Victoria. The funding was provided to address some of the key issues identified by the House of Representatives Inquiry into the 2003 Bushfires (Nairn, G. et al. 2003, A Nation Charred: Inquiry into the Recent Australian Bushfires. Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia).
The first research task was to identify the critical scientific issues that needed improved understanding if fires in these areas were to be better managed. A multidisciplinary project was designed to address a range of issues within the fields of ecology, risk management and social science.
The project has now built a scientific evidence base that is improving our current understanding of the effects of bushfire in the high country and the effects and effectiveness of fuel management practices.
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