This is the list of western Australian (non-tropical) fire thunderstorm / pyrocumulonimbus / pyroCb events. There are 30 entries.
These form when a fire couples with the atmosphere above the LCL, as a result of deep flaming and an unstable profile.

The data here are the result of a collaborative global effort since 2003: Mike Fromm, Rick McRae, Rene Servrackx, Andrew Tupper, Jason Sharples, Colin Seftor, Dan Lindsay, Dave Peterson, Zachary Esch, Kevin Tory and others in the PyroCb discussion group.
This list is maintained by Adjunct Professor Rick McRae, UNSW Canberra, Bushfire Research Group at ADFA.
Any new information relevant to these events, or to others not in the register, should be forwarded to r.mcrae@unsw.edu.au

The last entry is for January, 2021.

Update 22 Feb 2022: Thanks to Dr Colin Seftor, NASA OMPS, we have used N7 TOMS AI data to show that on Ash Wednesday, 16 Feb 1983, there were pyroCbs from both the Adelaide Hills Fire (1983a) and the fire near Lorne (1983b). This potential was indicated by research into the precursor drought.
Links: All | Eastern | Western | Tropical
Please cite the Register if this material is used for any purpose.

1991a1991 (08 Jan) WA: Peak Charles199108/01/1991WAPeak Charles121.1-32.8High
1994a1994 (23 Jan) WA: WSW Kalgoorlie199423/01/1994WAWSW Kalgoorlie120-32Moderate
2001a2001 (18 Jan) WA: Splinter Rock200118/01/2001WASplinter Rock122.9-33.1Very high
2003a2003 (10 Jan) WA: Mount Cooke200310/01/2003WAMount Cooke116.3-32.4Very high
2010a2010 (18 Feb) WA: Esperance201018/02/2010WAEsperance122.2-33.1Very high
2012a2012 (18 Oct) WA: Deserts201218/10/2012WADeserts125.1-27.3Very high
2012b2012 (18 Oct) WA: Deserts201218/10/2012WADeserts124.8-26.5Very high
2012c2012 (18 Oct) WA: Deserts201218/10/2012WADeserts126.7-27.4Very high
2012d2012 (18 Oct) WA: Deserts201218/10/2012WADeserts126-27.6Very high
2012e2012 (18 Oct) WA: Deserts201218/10/2012WADeserts126.7-28.3Very high
2012f2012 (29 Oct) WA: Deserts201229/10/2012WADeserts122.8-28.5Very high
2016a2016 (06 Jan) WA: Waroona201606/01/2016WAWaroona116-32.9Very high
2016b2016 (07 Jan) WA: Waroona201607/01/2016WAWaroona116-32.9Very high
2016c2016 (07 Jan) WA: Waroona201607/01/2016WAWaroona116-32.9Very high
2016f2016 (07 Dec) WA: Cocklebiddy201607/12/2016WACocklebiddy126-32.1Very high
2017b2017 (08 Nov) WA: Table Hill201708/11/2017WATable Hill117.02-34.65Very high
2017c2017 (08 Nov) WA: Table Hill201708/11/2017WATable Hill117.16-34.69Very high
2019d2019 (27 Feb) WA: Goldfields201927/02/2019WAGoldfields120.7-32.5Very high
2019e2019 (27 Feb) WA: Goldfields201927/02/2019WAGoldfields122.7-33Very high
2019f2019 (27 Feb) WA: Goldfields201927/02/2019WAGoldfields122.7-33Very high
2019g2019 (01 Mar) WA: Goldfields201901/03/2019WAGoldfields124.5-24.5Very high
2019h2019 (01 Mar) WA: Goldfields201901/03/2019WAGoldfields124.3-28.5Very high
2019y2019 (18 Dec) WA: Esperance201918/12/2019WAEsperance120-32.6Very high
2020f2020 (08 Jan) WA: Belladonia202008/01/2020WABelladonia123.2-32.7Very high
2020g2020 (08 Jan) WA: Belladonia202008/01/2020WABelladonia123.9-33.1Very high
2020h2020 (08 Jan) WA: Bald Rock Fire202008/01/2020WABald Rock Fire119.6-32.5Moderate
2020i2020 (08 Jan) WA: Lake King Fire202008/01/2020WALake King Fire120-33Moderate
2020j2020 (08 Jan) WA: Wingarnie202008/01/2020WAWingarnie121.6-31.9Moderate
2021a2021 (23 Jan) WA: Balladonia202123/01/2021WABalladonia123.52-32.05Very high
2025c2025 (24 Jan) WA: Forrestiana Gold Field202524/01/2025WAForrestiana Gold Field119.8-32Very high
