Research findings

The HighFire Risk Project




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No. Citation
1 Sharples, J.J., McRae, R.H.D. & Weber, R.O. (2010). Wind characteristics over complex terrain with implications for bushfire risk management. Environmental Modelling and Software 25: 1099-1120.
2 Sharples, J.J., McRae, R.H.D., Weber, R.O. & Gill, A.M. (2008). A simple index for assessing fuel moisture content. Environmental Modelling and Software 24, 637-646.
3 Sharples, J.J., McRae, R.H.D., Weber, R.O. & Gill, A.M. (2009). A simple index for assessing fire danger rating. Environmental Modelling and Software 24, 764-774.
4 Sharples, J.J. (2008). Review of formal methodologies for wind-slope correction of wildfire rate of spread. IJWF, 2008, 17, 179-193.
5 Sharples, J.J. (2009). An overview of mountain meteorological effects relevant to fire behaviour and bushfire risk. International Journal of Wildland Fire 18: 737-754.
6 Sharples, J.J. & McRae, R.H.D. (2011). Evaluation of a very simple model for predicting the moisture content of eucalypt litter. International Journal of Wildland Fire 20: 1000-1005.
7 Sharples, J.J., McRae, R.H.D., Weber, R.O. & Wilkes, S.R.. (2012). Wind-terrain effects on the propagation of wildfires in rugged terrain: fire channelling. International Journal of Wildland Fire, doi:10.1071/WF10055.
8 Sharples, J.J., Mills, G.A., McRae, R.H.D., & Weber, R.O. (2009). Fire danger anomalies associated with foehn-like winds in southeastern Australia. 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress, Cairns.
9 Sharples, J.J., McRae, R.H.D., Weber, R.O. & Gill, A.M. (2009). A simple method for assessing fuel moisture content and fire danger rating. 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress, Cairns.
10 Sharples, J.J., McRae, R.H.D. & Weber, R.O. (2009). An empirical probabilistic study of wind direction over complex terrain. 18th World IMACS/MODSIM Congress, Cairns.
11 McRae, R.H.D. & sharples, J.J. (2011). Modelling the Thermal Belt in an Australian Bushfire Context. Proceedings, MODSIM 2011
12 Sharples, J.J., Viegas, D.X., McRae,R.H.D., Raposo, J.R.N. & Farinha, H.A.S. (2011). Lateral bushfire propagation driven by the interaction of wind, terrain and fire. 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth.
13 Sharples, J.J. & Matthews, S. (2011). Evaluation of some simplified models for predicting the moisture content of fine, dead fuels. 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth.
14 McRae, R., Sharples, J., Wilkes, S. & Walker, A. (submitted). An Australian Pyro-tornadogenesis event. Submitted to Natural Hazards.
15 McRae, R. & Sharples, J. (2011). A conceptual model for assessing the risk posed by extreme bushfires. Australian Journal of Emergency Management 26(2), 47-53.
16 McRae, R. (2011). Learning, Improving, Blaming: Science and Bushfires. Fire Australia, Spring, 2011, 48-50.
17 McRae, R. (2008). Fire risk in the high country. Fire Australia, Spring 2008, 36-38.
18 Fromm. M, Tupper, A, Rosenfeld, D, Servrancx, R & McRae, R, (2006). Violent pyro-convective storm devastates Australia’s capital and pollutes the stratosphere. Geophys. Res. Lett. 33, L05815.
19 Sharples, J.J., Viegas, D.X., Rossa, C.G. & McRae, R.H.D. (2010). Small-scale observations of atypical fire spread caused by the interaction of wind, terrain and fire. Proceedings VI International Conference on Forest Fire Research.
20 McRae, R.H.D., Sharples, J.J. & Weber, R.O. (2007). Are big fires inevitable? Proceedings 2007 AFAC Conference.
21 McRae, R.H.D. (1992). Prediction of Areas Prone to Lightning Ignition. Int. J. Wildland Fire 2(3): 123-130.
22 McRae, R.H.D., Weber, R.O. & Sharples, J.J. (2006a). Lessons learnt from the January 2003 fires. Proceedings 2006 Bushfire Conference.